Week 19 Topic (WWG)

 This week's topic took me into a different direction.

I look around to see what special occasions are happening, and I try to run a theme with it! Some seem like they might be creative, and others...Well, I'm just looking at them like what the???

Thank you for continuing to keep this group going! We are now into the 19th week!

Just a head's up! I can't give points if I don't know who you are. I don't mind you commenting under Anonymous, but please leave me your name so I can give you credit! Yes, I give points to those that comment too! :)

Now, onto the topic!

Week 19

July 24th - 30th: Friends & Family

Subtopic: Mention a dad joke in your blog

Subtopic 2: Mention a favorite person of yours (or of your character–if you plan on writing a fictional story)

And the picture to go with the blog:

Happy Writings!!!


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