
Showing posts from August, 2022

Week 22

Image More info in group posted above. Week 22 August 14th - 20th: The End of an Era Subtopic 1: What’s something you do (or your character does) to relax? Subtopic 2: Name a comfort food

Week 21 Topic

 Hey Everyone! Thank you for your submissions last week! I keep trying to get your creative mind going. I find some of these challenges are tough for me! But I feel it prevents me from being completely blocked writing wise. Now, onto the topic! Week 21 August 7th - 13th: Who Let The Cat Out? Subtopic 1: Mention catnip Subtopic 2: Incorporate “litter” into your blog Here's the picture for the topic: Found on Morguefile (I don't own a cat) I can't wait to see what you all come up with! Happy Writings! Dia