Week 17 Topic

Welcome to Week 17!

Last week was pretty fun!

Thank you for all your submissions!!!!

I have to learn how to get more proactive. I didn't realize creating topics was such a challenge! LOL. But I am working my best. Remember! I take suggestions.

Thank you to Lika and Christopher for posting. It really means a lot!

I'm sorry that creating a new topic has come down to writing in Blogger. I will solve the mystery on how I can change all that! Maybe something new will come along??

I've been slacking in the points department, but I will add them accordingly. I have a small group, so this is an easy thing for me to do!

Now, onto the topic!

Week 17 Topic: I forgot! (From July 10th - 16th)

Subtopic: Mention a song title/lyric by the band Fuel

Subtopic 2: Incorporate the color yellow in your blog.

And a picture for added bonus:

I got the source from Morguefile.com.

Happy Writings!



  1. Cool, thank you. Let's keep it going!

    1. Thank you! I hope to do so. I am wondering...Did you have to use CAPTCHA?


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